Reflections for February 10

Reflections for February 10

We want to know God, and we want everything that gets in our way to go away so we can get to God. We know what a difference he can make in our lives and others around us. We can grow together. After the service and Geoff’s class last week, I had a chance to talk to many people. It was wonderful! The reason I say it was wonderful is because I was able to hear how God is working in their lives. It was so uplifting.  I loved the example that Geoff had in his sermon about the trellis. It is a simple garden structure that helps your plants grow. It has an open framework to allow plants to easily grow without dictating a specific direction. Think about that in terms of our growth with having God in our lives. He is there for us to grow in a variety of ways. We are not all the same, and he doesn’t dictate that we have to grow in any direction. We are free to learn who we are. We are free to attend different classes to help us learn more and grow closer to God. We can teach others around us that they are loved by God. May you go into the next week seeking God through prayer, reflection, and community to reinforce your connection.  Reflections from Deborah Kelly. Share your reflections with and let me know your thoughts.