Introducing Our Leaders Feb 21

Introducing Our Leaders Feb 21

A few weeks ago you were introduced to a new group of Elders and Deacons as they were installed into their leadership responsibilities for our church. Each leader commits to a three-year term and can serve two consecutive terms. In the coming weeks we would like you to meet our new leaders.

Irene Dunny Irene and her late husband Jim joined RB Community in 2010. This is Irene’s second term as an Elder after completing a second term as a Deacon this past year. Previously on Session, Irene served as Chair of the Officer Nominating Committee. Her background in education has led to her interest in Sessions’ Communication and Adult Education committees. Elders and Deacons are the spiritual leaders of our congregation, and Irene feels it is essential that our church family discover what it means to listen to the guidance of Holy Spirit. Elders are tasked with making church policy and determining the future course of our congregation. It is Irene’s desire to seek God’s guidance and discernment as decisions are made. That is what it means to be a spiritual leader. It is often too easy to think we are the ones to make things happen, when in reality it is our ability to listen to Spirit with our heart as well as with our mind.

Warren Johnson Warren Johnson was born and raised in a small town in southwest Texas. After his BS in EE from Texas A&M, he served as a Weather Officer in the Air Force, then attended grad school at the U. of Wisconsin and received MS and PhD degrees in Meteorology. He spent 20 years at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, becoming director of its Atmospheric Science Center. As a side interest, he took pilot training and acquired several licenses and ratings. This led to his becoming Manager of the Research Aviation Facility at the National Center of Atmospheric Research in Boulder, CO, where he spent 13 years. After retirement in 1999, he and his late wife Patti moved to Escondido and joined RB Community. His church activities have included Chancel Choir, Carpenter’s Fellowship, Deacons, and involvement with several facilities projects. He is currently serving on the Pastor Nominating Committee. Warren loves golf, bridge, and golden retrievers. His two sons and five grandkids live in northern CA.

Barbara Weeks Barbara has been a member of RB Community for 32 years, and is starting her first year as an Elder. She was a Deacon for 5 years, and has also been a Kid’s Life (Sunday morning family ministries) teacher, VBS co-chair, and on church staff as a child care provider. She is currently an usher, and a volunteer Congregational Care Coordinator. Barbara’s sons both attended RB Community Preschool, and she was married to Terry in our beautiful chapel in 2000. Barbara was a retail buyer, then obtained her MSW degree. She is retired from a 23-year career as a Hospice Social Worker. Barbara hopes to continue giving back to our church, and to support RB Community's outpouring of Christian love.